Game Audio Boston is the place for all game audio professionals in New England and those aspiring to become ones to meet, discuss, share knowledge, and grow together. As part of the Boston Game Dev group, we host monthly virtual and in-person meetups with guest speakers.

Join our Discord to meet like-minded individuals, get feedback on your work, share knowledge and make genuine connections.





For February's meetup we will have a talk by our very own Caio Jiacomini going over his process for the sound design and implementation of car engine audio for the indie racing game Apex Rush, talking about the whole process from source material editing to the technical audio work done in Unreal Engine 5 with MetaSounds.



Boston Game Dev on Meetup

Boston Game Dev, our parent organization, truly brings the scene together. BGD and its subgroups like Boston Indies, Boston Post Mortem, Boston Queer Game Dev, Boston Godot, and others host a variety of events each month.

These range from in-person demo nights where indies present titles they're working on, to online events featuring industry veterans answering your questions.

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The Boston Festival of Indie Games provides a stage to indie devs to present what they're working on and for people to host interesting talks about all things game dev. BostonFIG consists of an online-only showcase with virtual booths and talks as well as an in-person conference that will be returning in the Fall of 2024 after a several-year hiatus.
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Game Audio Learning

Game Audio Learning run by Greg Lester and Jonny Sands is a treasure trove of invaluable information that will no doubt help you get your bearings in game audio. Best of all, it's all FREE!
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AirWiggles is an ad-free, non algorithm-driven social media for audio folks that's actually good. It's a great place to get feedback on sound redesigns, share your creations, learn from each other, and make friends in the international audio community.

It is also host to the largest online-only audio conference, "AirCon", which featured around 60 talks in 2024 alone.

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The A Sound Effect Blog

The world's premier storefront for sound effects made by independent creators, A Sound Effect is also home to an amazing blog that features insightful interviews, how-to-guides, and behind the scenes writeups of some of your favorite games, movies, tv shows, and more.
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The SONNISS GDC Collections

SONNISS is home to every year's most anticipated collection of free sound effects from world-class creators like Boom Library, Pole Position Productions, SoundMorph, and independent creators. On this page you can find every collection from 2015 till now, totaling at hundreds of gigabytes worth of incredibly useful material.
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Audio Podcast Alliance

There are few better ways to immerse yourself in the day-to-day lives of audio professionals around the globe than listening to interviews, roundtables, and behind-the-scenes content. The Audio Podcast Alliance features a hand-picked selection of some of the industry's finest podcasts ranging in subject from game audio to location sound for film and TV.
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Soundlister curates a weekly newsletter of job opportunities in audio from around the world. These range from game audio, to management roles in audio companies, to research and development roles adjacent to the field. Be sure to subscribe to their newsletter if you're on the hunt for your next opportunity.
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Noa Beazley

Noa is an award-winning composer and multi-instrumentalist who has worked on a broad variety of highly creative indie titles, teaches a number of classes at Berklee College of Music, and has been a frequent speaker at conferences ranging from AirCon to PAX.

Caio Jiacomini

Caio has worked on a variety of game projects ranging from AAA titles such as Rocket League to indie projects like Re:Awaken. He also creates audio tools and plug-ins and shares valuable technical sound design insights on various topics.

Chris "BØLT" Bolte

Chris is a sound designer, field recordist, and creator of sound effects and sample libraries currently working as an audio implementer at Sucker Punch Productions. He also loves sharing insights on field recording and sound design on his blog.